Travel Inspo

5 Reasons to Make Travel a Priority

Beautiful blue hues of the Caribbean, a girl sipping out of a coconut on the beach…

Mystifying dark green alpines, a snowboarder admiring the view from the top of the slopes…

You see these images splashed across your Instagram, maybe they’re even pinned to your bucket list board on Pinterest. You think, “I want to go there some day”. But, as we know, life goes by fast. Before you know it, we’re stuck in a two year pandemic unable to go to the store without trouble, let alone take a trip somewhere we’ve always dreamed of.

The point is- life, if you aren’t careful, will sweep you up off your feet before you even have a chance to enjoy it. For me, I have always craved a change of scenery. I have always made it a top priority to see something new, and experience something different, as often as I can. One of the main purposes of Postcard Philosophy, is to encourage and inspire you to take the leap and get out there, and see all that life has to offer.

How selfish would it be to keep one of life’s greatest gifts to myself?! And if crystal clear waters and the brightest orange rocks you’ve ever seen aren’t enough motivation- here are five reasons why you should make travel a priority:

Let’s hear it for character development:

One of the biggest reasons to prioritize traveling is that it can really change you as a person. During my semester abroad (uh oh, here comes the girl who went to Italy once and won’t shut up about it), I became more responsible, more open-minded, and a little more daring. You don’t need to spend four months in a foreign country to achieve this.

Being able to explore, whether on your own or with others, gives you a new perspective and new sense of self. We can live our whole lives seeing things the way they are in our own little bubbles, or we can break out of it, and see things through the eyes of someone else for a change. I am a believer that this is the key to unlocking new heights within yourself. Do you need to travel abroad to unlock new characters? NO! If you haven’t spent much time traversing the US- it is already quite diverse. Each state and region is unique and can open your eyes to so much.

In terms of breaking out of your comfort zone- travel is one of the best ways to do so.

Cheers to your health:

Sometimes life becomes mundane and draining . We get stuck in a rut of going to school, work, whatever it may be, and we stay there. We’ve all felt the burn out on a Wednesday morning, wishing it was Friday. Life is tough. How can travel help?

According to actual scientific research, (it’s true, look it up!) traveling can not only improve your mental health, but your social and physical health as well. Having a chance to break routine, and control your narrative for a moment can provide much needed relief away from your real life responsibilities.

On top of this, travel gives you a ton of access to new activities to help promote and enrich your physical health. Regardless of your fitness level or ability, you will surely find something that suits you…which leads me to my next point…

Find a new hobby:

Traveling opens you up to a million and one opportunities to find a new hobby, try a new activity, and learn something new. Every time I travel, I try to find an activity unique to the destination. So far that has included snorkeling in Belize, skiing in Colorado, horseback riding in Tennessee, and even taking cooking classes in Italy. There truly are unlimited options. So what’s the big deal?

For me, my love of photography has been spurred by my travels. Starting out as an amateur taking photos on an iPhone 4, I have since invested in photography as a hobby, buying high quality equipment and educating myself online. I’m no where near a professional, but over time I have been able to nurture this hobby through travel.

You never know- travel may spark something in you creatively, physically, even socially, that encourages you to embark on a new path in life!

Make new friends:

Maybe you’re an introvert who doesn’t intentionally seek the company of others, or perhaps an extrovert who lives for connection. Maybe you’re somewhere in between, like me! Regardless, travel can connect you with people from all walks of life who share common interests. I view travel as the global real-life Facebook. If you’ve ever stayed in a hostel in foreign country- you know just how close you can get with others.

Why is this important? We’re human, we need connection and a support system. As unique individuals, we can’t always find a niche or community that we fit into. The benefit of travel, is that you not only get to meet new people, but you get to share bonding experiences with them. Which leads me to our next point…

Friends who travel together, stay together. Or not…

Just like living with your high school besties in college, travel can really make or break a relationship. I would be lying if I said I had never had an argument with a loved one over which German letters would lead us to the correct terminal in the airport. Traveling challenges you- and really tests your bonds with those you hold close.

But more than likely, you will walk away from an adventure with a loved one feeling closer than ever. Nothing brings people closer than figuring out how to navigate a strange place together at 2 AM. In all seriousness- whether you are taking a family trip, a couples retreat, or a best friends get-away, you will undoubtedly come away with stories and memories that will last a lifetime.

So, why aren’t YOU prioritizing travel?

If you are looking to enrich your life in general, opt into travel. Maybe you think you don’t have the time, the money, the knowledge to even know where to begin…well, I have great news…you are wrong…and even better news, I’m here to help! Please stay tuned to find out more about how you make travel work for you- regardless of your limited PTO, student loan debt, or statistics homework. Instead of wondering why you should travel, try it out for yourself. You won’t be disappointed ;).

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