Welcome Travelers

Why The Postcard Philosophy?


During the fall of 2017, I spent my last semester of college living in Florence, Italy. It was my first time abroad, and I had the opportunity to see so many amazing places. Each place I went, I collected a postcard, with the intention of sending it back home. At the end of my four months in Florence, I realized that I hadn’t sent a single one. 

When I returned home to the states, I didn’t know what to do with this collection, and so for three years, these postcards have sat in my house serving as make-shift decor, thumb tacked to my bedroom walls. It wasn’t until recently that I tucked away my collection, and traded my postcards in for real adult decor (courtesy of Home Goods). But why should they go to waste? I have come to realize that experiences are meant to be shared, not hoarded to collect dust. That is where the concept of The Postcard Philosophy came from.

Untitled design

Postcards serve as a tiny glimpse of the world we’ve seen for us to share with others. To inspire, encourage, and enlighten those around us to seek out new experiences and to meet new places. The Postcard Philosophy seeks to educate and to share my stories of adventures past, present, and future, and inspire those around me to do the same- no matter your circumstance in life. I hope you’ll join me as my “collection” expands, and as I share it with the world!

